small business accounting hidden secrets medium matt oliver

small business accounting hidden secrets medium matt oliver

As a small business owner, you have a lot on your plate. You're responsible for every aspect of your business, from sales and marketing to product development and customer service. And let's not forget about the administrative tasks, like accounting and bookkeeping.

While you may not be an expert in all of these areas, it's important to have a basic understanding of each one. After all, they all play a role in the success (or failure) of your business. And when it comes to accounting, there are a few hidden secrets that every small business owner should know.

Matt Oliver is a Certified Public Accountant and the founder of Medium Matt Consulting, LLC. He helps small businesses with their accounting and tax needs.
As a small business owner, you know that accounting is an essential part of running your business. But what you may not realize is that there are some hidden secrets to small business accounting that can save you time and money. Here are four hidden secrets to small business accounting:

1. Automate Where You Can One of the best ways to save time (and money) on your accounting is to automate where you can. There are a number of great software programs out there that can help you automate tasks like invoicing, payments, and even bookkeeping.

By automating as much as possible, you’ll free up valuable time to focus on other aspects of your business. 2. Stay Organized from the Start Another secret to successful small business accounting is staying organized from the start.

This means having a system in place for tracking income and expenses, categorizing transactions, and keeping receipts and other documentation organized. By staying organized from day one, you’ll make it easier on yourself (and your accountant) come tax time. Plus, you’ll be able to more easily spot any potential red flags or areas of concern with your finances.
Most Important Accounting Secrets for Small Businesses

What are Some of the Most Important Accounting Secrets for Small Businesses

There are many accounting secrets for small businesses, but some of the most important ones are: 1. Accurate record-keeping is essential. This means maintaining neat and organized records of all your financial transactions.

This will help you keep track of your income and expenses, and make it easier to prepare your tax return come tax season. 2. Understand your business’s financial statements. These documents give you a snapshot of your company’s financial health and performance over a certain period of time.

Knowing how to read and interpret them can help you make sound decisions about where to allocate your resources. 3. Have a system in place for managing accounts receivable and accounts payable. This will help you keep on top of payments owed to suppliers as well as money owed to you by customers.

Having an efficient system in place will save you time and headaches down the road. 4. Make use of technology to streamline accounting processes whenever possible. There are many great software programs available that can automate tasks like invoicing, tracking payments, and preparing reports.

How Can These Secrets Help My Business Save Money And Be More Profitable

There are many ways that your business can save money and become more profitable. One way is to cut costs. Another way is to increase revenues.

And still another way is to do both. The best businesses find ways to do all three simultaneously. 1) Cut Costs: Every business has expenses.

The key is to keep those expenses as low as possible without sacrificing quality or service. One way to do this is to shop around for the best prices on everything from office supplies to insurance. You should also regularly review your spending patterns and look for areas where you can trim costs without impacting your bottom line too much.

2) Increase Revenues: The most obvious way to make your business more profitable is to bring in more money. This can be done by increasing sales, finding new customers, or charging higher prices for your products or services. If you can find a way to do all three, even better!

3) Do Both: Sometimes the best solution is a combination of cutting costs and increasing revenues. For example, if you’re able to reduce your advertising budget while still bringing in the same amount of sales, that’s a great way to improve your profitability. Or if you’re able to negotiate better terms with suppliers, you can save money on input costs while still selling at the same price point (or even raising prices slightly).

There are endless possibilities when it comes to saving money and becoming more profitable. The important thing is that you always keep an eye on both sides of the equation – expenses and revenues – and look for creative ways to improve in both areas simultaneously. With a little effort, you can soon have your business operating in the black instead of the red!

What are Some Common Mistakes That Small Businesses Make When It Comes to Accounting

When it comes to accounting, small businesses often make several common mistakes. Perhaps the most common mistake is failing to keep accurate and up-to-date records. This can lead to several problems, such as not being able to track expenses or income, and not having a clear picture of the financial health of the business.

Another common mistake is failing to budget properly. This can cause small businesses to overspend in certain areas, or to underestimate their costs. Without a proper budget in place, it can be difficult to make sound financial decisions about where to allocate resources.

Another frequent mistake is not separating personal and business finances. This can create a mess when it comes time to do taxes, or if the business ever faces financial difficulties. It's important to keep good records and maintain clear boundaries between personal and business finances for the sake of both clarity and legalities.

Finally, another common mistake is neglecting basic bookkeeping principles. This can result in errors in financial reporting, which can paint an inaccurate picture of the business's true financial situation. Basic bookkeeping knowledge is essential for any small business owner who wants to maintain control over their company's finances.

How Can I Avoid Making These Mistakes in My Own Business

There's no one answer to this question since there are countless mistakes that businesses can make. However, here are five general tips to help you avoid making some of the most common mistakes: 1. Don't underestimate the importance of marketing and advertising.

Too many businesses think they can get by without investing in marketing and advertising, but this is a huge mistake. Without these tools, it will be very difficult to reach your target audience and grow your business. 2. Don't try to do everything yourself.

When you're first starting, it's tempting to try to do everything yourself to save money. But this is usually a recipe for disaster because you simply don't have the time or expertise to do everything well. Delegate tasks and hire experts whenever possible so you can focus on what you're good at.

3. Don't neglect your financial planning. Many businesses fail because they don't take the time to properly plan their finances and track their progress over time. Make sure you have a solid understanding of your financial situation so you can make smart decisions about where to allocate your resources.

4 . Don't forget about customer service. In the age of social media, word-of-mouth marketing is more important than ever before.

Make sure you're providing excellent customer service so that your customers will be happy to recommend your business to others. 5Finally, remember that running a business takes patience and perseverance.

Business Accountant near Me

As a business owner, you know that having a reliable accountant is crucial to the success of your company. But with so many accounting firms out there, how do you choose the right one? Here are some tips to help you find a qualified and reputable business accountant near you:

1. Ask for referrals. Talk to other business owners in your industry and ask who they use for their accounting needs. Getting first-hand recommendations from people you trust is always a good place to start.

2. Do your research. Once you have a few names of potential accounting firms, take some time to research each one online. Read reviews, check out their website, and see what others are saying about their services.

3. Meet with them in person. Once you've narrowed down your choices, schedule meetings with each of the finalists. This will give you an opportunity to get to know them better and see if they're a good fit for your business.

4. Ask questions. Be sure to ask plenty of questions during your meeting so that you can get a clear understanding of what each firm offers and how they would handle your account specifically. Some critical questions to ask include: What services do you provide?

How much experience do you have working with businesses like mine? What are your rates? How often do you communicate with clients?

What is your process for handling bookkeeping and taxes? By asking these types of questions, you'll be able to get a better sense of whether or not an accounting firm is right for you . 5 . Get everything in writing. Once you've decided on an accountant, make sure that all of the details regarding their services and fees are clearly stated in writing before engaging their services. This will help prevent any misunderstandings or surprises down the road. Working with a qualified and reputable business accountant is essential to the success of any company. By following these tips, you can be confident that you're choosing the best possible option for your specific needs.


In this blog post, Matt Oliver discusses some of the hidden secrets of small business accounting. He starts by discussing the importance of tracking expenses and income. He then goes on to discuss some of the common mistakes that small businesses make when it comes to accounting.

Finally, he offers some tips for keeping accurate records and avoiding financial problems.
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